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I blog Here

· 2 min read

Why today I still use a personal Blog for my IT-Journey?!

It is not easy to answer, surely today Twitter, IG or Facebook are more pop in our life. There you could post your interested things very fast with some clicks, but here when I land in blog then I have my time to write down sth. to myself. Surely also to who is interested in my blog.

Generally, I use the following social tools for my IT-Journey:

  • technical tools ⇒ 1.freeCodeCamp📌 2. CodePen📌 3. Leetcode 4. GitHub📌
  • social community ⇒ 1. Blog📌 2. Twitter📌 3. LinkedIn (4. YouTube also not a bad idea)
  • IT-comminity ⇒ 1. DEV📌 2. Stack Overflow
  • personal collection ⇒ It is on the way to build📌 at my web house you could also view sth. about me

Because of my work experience, I work also on data analysis with Python, this language makes your data to visualization. What you can do sth. with d3.js? Woow, then you are an IT-Master, with these two techniques you can show your data to visualization what you want.

At Back-End side I recommend PHP, if you have basic computer language, go ahead with PHP7.0+, your time is very valuable, I haven't said Java or C++ even C# are not great Back-End language, yes they are. But you want to build a web with data bank faster what you want, then PHP is your choice. With PHP at Back-End nothing is impossible. What? You can code with Node.js at Back-End, woow Congratulation! I haven't any more to say. I MUST LEARN👍 FROM👍 YOUR 👍!